Shaping the future together

In order to continue our success story, we are always searching for new, motivated and committed recruits who can complement us with their own ideas and expertise.

Sound exciting?

Could a future-oriented and inspiring work environment be just what you are looking for? Then join our team. What we have to offer you is more than just a job. Let our success story become yours.

Our region – Löhne in OWL

East Westphalia-Lippe is one of the most thriving economic regions in Germany. Approx. 1 million people are employed by around 140,000 companies from all branches of industry. The rural areas are particularly strong economically and boast a good infrastructure.

more about our region

"Anyone who wants to can come a long way. At steute, taking responsibility is key."

Michell Heinrichmeyer
Process Technician for Coating Technology

Experience steute

Vidéo de présentation steute

Qu’est-ce qui caractérise steute? La vidéo de présentation met en avant une vision claire de notre philosophie et de nos directives.

Travailler chez steute (allemand)

Jetez un coup d’œil derrière les coulisses: à quoi ressemble le travail chez steute? Nos employés s’expriment.

Formation et études chez steute (allemand)

Nos apprentis et étudiants expriment leurs opinions sur la singularité de steute en tant qu’employeur.

Top SME Employer of 2024

In 2024, steute received the accolade "Top SME Employer of 2024" from, the leading online job site for small and medium-sized enterprises in the German-speaking world.