Technical articles

The benefits of remote control - Trends in user interfaces for medical devices

Medical devices in the OR are now usually connected to their corresponding user interfaces by remote control. This makes additional documentation necessary, but the advantages still far outweigh any disadvantages, and device manufacturers can purchase the systems with all the necessary approvals in place. Furthermore, radio technology is a prerequisite for interoperability in the OR: in the future, multiple medical devices will be operable via a single (wireless) user interface. First applications using this technology, known as SDC (Service-oriented Device Connectivity), are already available.

Source: NET (5/2022)

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Spark-free wireless transmission - Switchgear for the oil & gas industry

Wireless switching devices are not yet widespread within the oil & gas industry. And yet wireless technology offers this sector some particular advantages – provided that explosion protection is guaranteed.

Source: Chemie Technik (04/2022)

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User interfaces: from manufacturer to service provider

Wireless user interfaces have multiple benefits, making them a popular choice in many medical disciplines. However, they also involve a higher level of effort for device manufacturers with regard to testing and documentation than cabled controls – unless the supplier is MDR-ready and able to provide the user interface with all the relevant documentation.

Source: meditronic-journal (2/2022)

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Wireless benefits

Nearly all customised user interfaces developed by steute Meditec in cooperation with medical device manufacturers communicate with the device in question via remote control. And wireless command devices are also becoming increasingly popular as standard user interfaces – with good reason.

Source: medical-design (02/2022)

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More flexibility for bending processes

Optimising the combination of machine, automation and wireless technology means more flexibility for bending processes.

Source: BLECH (05/2021)

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Wireless Ex switchgear: technology & application examples

Switches and sensors - free of cables in Ex zones: When Ex switches and sensors require no electrical cables and can transmit their signals beyond the Ex zone, then depending on the application in question the advantages can be considerable. More and more users are now opting for this technology – including and especially in sensitive application fields.

Source: Technische Sicherheit 11 (03-04/2021)

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Under Pressure - Hanover Fair Digital Edition 2021

Adverse ambient conditions must be taken into account during the development of switching devices for extreme applications, and must also be tested as first prototypes are produced.

Source: Verfahrenstechnik (04/2021)

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The digital operating theatre

In Löhne, situated in East Westphalia, the operating theatre of the future is already reality: foot switch specialist steute Technologies GmbH & Co. KG has developed a multi-purpose foot control which enables surgeons to operate different medical devices from different manufacturers.

Source: VDMA Magazin (11/2020)

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Safe loading of explosive gases - "Extreme" position switches in action

Emco Wheaton loading systems are used all around the world for the handling of large quantities of petrol, natural gas, liquid gas, chemicals, etc. The company, which is based in Kirchhain near Marburg, monitors the positions of its loading arms using Ex position switches which are reliable in the long term, even in subzero temperatures.

Source: Technische Logistik (07-08/2020)

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Open or proprietary? Wireless networks for industry

When selecting wireless networks for their industrial production, many factory planners favour open rather than proprietary networks. However: this apparent contradiction begins to blur, the closer one looks. A comparison of the two systems shows why.

Source: NET (6-7/2020)

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Safely on and safely off! Position switches inside step treads of Bielefeld light railway

Position switches used to monitor the step treads of part of the light railway system in the city of Bielefeld were increasingly failing, making higher levels of maintenance necessary. The operator MoBiel started looking for an alternative solution – and found one very close by. Following a successful test phase, the trains are now being successively fitted with long-life position switches.

Source: messtec drives Automation (04/2020)

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Extreme tests in real-life conditions

Various steute switchgear series are currently being tested in real-life conditions on the island of Helgoland. The results are used to improve the development of new product series.

Source: konstruktionspraxis (03/2020)

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